Recipe impact evaluation: an environmental and financial opportunity for Food Service

April 29, 2024

EN Landing pag - FS webinar

In the Food Service sector, food inputs contribute to over 90% of Scope 3 emissions, which in turn constitute more than 80% of the sector's carbon footprint. Understanding the influence of prices and recipes is therefore pivotal for environmental management.

Nevertheless, the sector faces unique challenges that complicate this assessment: frequent menu changes, slim profit margins (particularly amidst current inflation), and the prevalence of small-scale players lacking CSR manpower.

Given these circumstances, how can Food Service players navigate their green transition effectively? What if managing recipe impact could yield both financial and environmental benefits?

In this webinar, we've brought together three industry representatives from Foodles, Big Mamma Group and Elior France to share their insights and strategies for implementing climate-conscious practices.

CSR strategies of Big Mamma, Foodles and Elior

The principles of LCA for Food Service

LCA as a communication tool for consumers

LCA as a decision-support tool for implementing sustainable sourcing

The financial ROI of environmental assessment of recipes


Create impact with real data

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